Cultivating an Environment where God's Presence Can Dwell
Did you know that the Church was designed to be the dwelling place of God's Presence?
Did you know that you were created to house the Presence of God?
Ephesians 2:19-22 teaches us that through our faith in Jesus, we are not strangers or guests, but rather we are children of the city of the holy ones, fully entitled as members of God's household. Like carefully crafted stones in a temple, our lives are being built upon the foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ Himself as the cornerstone. This entire structure is continually growing into a holy temple, a dwelling place for the Lord by the Spirit's power within us.
So, how do we create space for His Presence to dwell among us while maintaining excellence?
First, let’s shift our mindset from mere performance to hosting His Presence. Performance isn't inherently wrong—it's about presenting ourselves skillfully. It is biblical to worship with excellence and to “play skillfully” (Psalm 33:3). However, our primary focus should be ministering to Jesus. When performance overshadows encountering His Presence, we risk losing sight of our true identity.
Even with exceptional worship, talented musicians, dynamic speakers, and skilled production teams, without the presence of God, we might as well be a social club or concert venue. Our goal must always be to minister to the Lord with our gifts, making our talents a pleasing offering to Him like sweet incense. As we do this, His Presence manifests among us, transforming lives in a chain reaction of worship and encounter.
As worship leaders, our responsibility is to cultivate an environment where God's Presence can dwell and rest—not because He needs rest, but because He desires intimate communion with His creation. This shift requires moving from a seeker-friendly agenda to a presence-driven mentality, rooted in our personal relationship with God cultivated in the secret place.
Sunday morning services can feel mundane if we haven't first prepared our hearts in personal communion with Jesus. When we regularly approach His throne boldly, yielded to the Holy Spirit, we become finely attuned to His leading, open to divine interruptions during our gatherings.
To summarize everything, I wanted to share something that I do before leading worship or speaking. To make sure everything I do is focused on His Presence over performance, I often pray this heartfelt prayer:
Break my heart for what breaks Yours. I yield myself to Your Spirit, laying down my pride, agenda, and ways. Empty me of myself. I offer my love to You, King Jesus, in sweet worship. May You alone receive glory, honor, and praise. Receive the reward of Your suffering through me. In Your precious and holy name, Amen.